Love Poem: Nature Holds the Rope
Charles Barry Avatar
Written by: Charles Barry

Nature Holds the Rope

Nature holds the rope

I remember that Thursday
Crystallized in my mind
Like all the intense moments of my life
At the doctor’s with my wife

She had a heart
Why did she depart?
Why was this the end and not the start?
This was Nature over Art

We had a hope
We thought we could cope
But Nature held the rope
Around our baby who might have been born
Now our hopes are torn

She had a heart
Why did she depart?
Why was this the end and not the start?
This was Nature over Art

Was it all for the best?
In a place of eternal rest…..
Not for me!
I want my baby!

She had a heart
Why did she depart?
Why was this  the end and not the start?
This was Nature over Art

They’ll say it still
It must have been God’s will
Was this a chance to kill 
Another of Pharaoh’s sons?
Or was an angel sent
To massacre the innocent?

She had a heart
Why did she depart?
Why was this  the end and not the start?
This was Nature over Art

A dog a horse a rat-
I know what Lear was at
With his famous lament
To grief I too give vent
-Why do they have life 
And you have not
My child asleep in some ethereal cot……

She had a heart
Why did she depart?
Why was this the end and not the start?
This was Nature over Art

Those aesthetic fools
Who play with their tools
And say Art over nature
If only they knew how premature……

She had a heart
Why did she depart?
Why was this the end and not the start?
This was Nature over Art

We had a beautiful baby
But in the law of natural selection
She didn’t even win a primary election
Her heart-beat was too slow
And so she had to go……

But sill she had a heart!
 So why  did she depart?
Why was this the end and not the start?
This was Nature over Art