Love Poem: Nature and You

Nature and You

On the horizon gray clouds tending towards purple black 
swimming slowly breaking in spots to thin slivers of light letting the final rays of the sun break through
the mood was somber and threatening as cloudy days will be

Swans flew south to Florida
mosquitoes in late autumn were increasing and were voracious
summer flowers were dying
sure that winter was right around the corner

Squawking birds flew over head
churning waters under a houseboat 
swirl in a frenzy
dogs yelp in distant open meadows

Across the pond on the other side of a water well
through the mist an elk appears as a ghostly being
I thoroughly enjoyed those evenings
feeling Nature's and your organic displays

In our beach house a dark colored cherry brown rocking chair sits
your chair…with worn spots running along the arms
sits in an empty room in our beach house
by the lake

The only thing I feel I need is you
clothed in your majestic rawness exuding the naturalness of love 
and I experiencing my ardor in your aura
immersing myself in your feminine beckoning

The air was turning chilly
the morning cold air formed tears on the tree branches
I remember your warmth next to me
that was a glorious night… 

But tonight…you aren’t next to me tonight…

My memory recalls the dark cherry brown rocking chair you sat in
with worn spots running along its arm exuding your sweet odor of gardenias
sits in an empty, solitary room in our beach house by the lake 
a lonely solemn rocking chair with me sitting in it.