Love Poem: My Swimming Place
Christuraj Alex Avatar
Written by: Christuraj Alex

My Swimming Place

Where my dad had taught me my first swimming
Where my mom’s nose got a little cut while bathing
Where we, boys and girls, like monkeys always dived
Where my first and best friend, by drowning, died
Where my neighbor’s girl claimed of losing her ring
Where her boy-friend was found wearing the same thing
Where we had caught every kind of fish we hooked 
Where-around we had many a grand dinner cooked
Where-about we had planted many kinds of trees 
Where stones from rocks we culled for our marbles
Where my father’s sister’s husband's in-law had a slip
Where thenceforth they check all omens before taking a dip 
Where, at least once bathe, young or old rich or poor 
Where the waters ever get fresh from a flowing river 
Wherein stories say many treasures are hidden within 
Where every domestic animal too get their swim and win
Where we teach any swimmer each day a new swim-style
Where anyone explores and launches many a love missile.