Love Poem: My Strand of Pearls 2
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Written by: Trudy Schrader

My Strand of Pearls 2


It is her…she…who parades around in a crown of glory
Compassionately hearing the abused one’s wounded story
Her smile, yes, it is that 
	Luring, forever enduring smile that
			Ensnares, then it cares, is always there, even as it 
					TEARS…light away from its source.

Who am I kidding? 
I know, and I have ran with her too
I’ve done it in your presence
I have seen her…and she has seen me seeing…you
	You are her secret trinket, hanging about her neck.

You must never outshine her crown

I sound wicked, as though I would wish her away
I have loved her as deeply as I love you
I know your secrets, see them flowing in concealed tubes
Under the current of commitment, resentment, and a strong willed contentment with the
status quo, never let anyone know, your love has run dry…

I can’t let this room filled full
Of blessed, confounded intimate moments go
They are like pricey imported dresses that fit me during my time of growth
Now, they are only what they were…having no value outside of some fashion show

I can not organize them, incorporate them
Split them open and remake them into something that would fit
I could give them away, but, then I would be empty
With nothing to show for my journey but four walls, furniture, and a nice place to sit…

		And think about LOVE

I wished she hadn’t notice the change
But you bursts forth like a strand of pearls around her neck
They noticed your position and she faltered
While she arranged attire and surroundings to put you in check

I dared to speak out what I saw
She tried to put me in a safer place
But she crumbled at the presence of humility
And the deepest love in the smile on my face

The angst between she and I
And the love not yet explored in us
Brought me to breaking up all the guards in my heart
I was left to seek, roam, search among dry places where love had once been
I wept, wailed, willed life to breathe again
But, fear silenced my words to you…and my love to her.

How many mornings have I wettened fragrant flowers and waited for the touch of your 			nose
………………but your eyes couldn’t see

I fell upon you in light drops of rain
………………you opened your umbrella

I drenched your brow in the scorching sun
………………you gave me the back of your hand, as you swiped away the stinging 
			Salt off your open pores

			And I knew……………you………would know me

					No more.

Trudy Schrader on 7-18-10

It sux to love a married man and all we shared was the love of words.