Love Poem: My Soul's Journey
John Freeman Avatar
Written by: John Freeman

My Soul's Journey

A Spiritual Narrative

Love Is to be, or not to be, you see
The soul’s choice to be , is made freely
Love , the source, of course, of which souls partake 
To be love, from above

You were created to be, not, not to be
Your being is precious, of one piece, will not cease
Please run in this race, keeping the pace
There is one in all, therein is gall

Best of all, there is no fall
One not mature, Oh dear, hath fear
Maturity excluded, love is eluded
Ah, but Love’s grace intervene,  and I shall wean

From mother’s milk, to father’s meat,
Meanwhile, Love’s grace, shall take the heat
With my serpent mind beat, I shall retreat
Into whence I came, I’ll return again

Back into my sacred heart, is from where I start
To re connect, above, with love
 And with my mind seeing, my being
The soul, I have made my goal

My soul recognizes it’s home, no more need to roam
For the mind illusion, was only outer intrusion,
Of a mind of fleshly strife, trying to create a life
Twas only a dilemma, of the mind, in structured time

In the  temporal line, an immortal
Out of it’s portal, become mortal
Without it's connection, of love’s direction
But upon careful inspection, in love’s direction

The narrow way, comes into play
Though few there be that find, for eye of the mind,
Is so very blind, a need of love to be re-align
To a sign, of truth, the mind aloof, will always goof

A soul that has found it’s heart, has found it’s start
So very smart, Love’s booth is it’s cart
Once found from, will never again depart
For I am love, as a dove, spewed within from above

The dove above, is my Father Love,
And I am being of plenty, for I am Love’s entity!!!