Love Poem: My Prayer In Death

My Prayer In Death

Dear Lord,

My Journey here finally has ended.  I am now at rest as I have so long awaited.

I could only imagine what beauty and peace there would be in coming home!  I 
pray that all my loved ones would have this peace also.

Lord, help them understand this glorious rest, that I have!  Fill them with peace 
and guide their lives that they may find the strength and comfort in living their life 
with You and for You.

For it is a wonderful and glorious rest. To be with You in heaven will be full in all 
ways, rich in love, joy and peace.  To be in Your presence truly will make  
everything brilliant.

I shall have no more pain, no fear and no sadness.  With ease I will be  able to 
dance and rejoice, as all illness and disease shall be gone!

Lord, be with each person that mourns of my passing.  Show Yourself  to them, 
that they may know You are real!  That You love and care for them Far more than 

For You Lord, are the author of love, and You give it so freely. All they need is to 
accept it, Cherish it, and  hold  tight  to it.

You are always near them, waiting.  Waiting for the day that they call out, “Lord 
God, please . . . I need You!  Make Yourself  known to me!  Forgive me!  Save me!”

And when they call out ... You will be there. Because You are faithful and true.
Just as You have been for me.  I wait to be awaken by Your mighty voice.

Call out soon Lord!  Until then I rest in Your peace, as You have given me deep 
sleep for a season, then the joy of arising to rejoice!