Love Poem: My Parting Gifts

My Parting Gifts

My Loves, my children... please be kind to each other
you will always know more about the great aspects of each other than anyone else
even if you have focused on what you do not like about each other till now. Be there for each other and be sure to check in and be an extension of my love when I am gone.

My Loves, my children...I know you feel in your empowered youth that you do not believe the universe is out there loving you. So as I go ...I ask of you: When you are at your wits end and feel you cannot go on and there is nothing left to fight for and no hope for you and yes...sadly it will likely happen at some point, In that dark hour, in your deepest dismay, in your quivering alone-ness and shuddering sadness...Please I beg of you to just say "God help me" you don't have to believe anything but after you say it, please just do not ignore the sudden little candle light ...the tiny sensation of sudden hope...that little tinkle of bells of peace...the sudden echo of joy that will not be too quick to brush it off. It is more real than you can possibly imagine. 

Then start living and breathing knowing you are inexplicably loved, and you never have to feel alone. Practice in your desperate hours...releasing all fear and trusting blindly that it will be OK...and it will. Fear is evil. Do not allow it even a tiny inch of room in your soul's house. Fear nothing and believe with steely blind faith and total trust and the universe will open to you and you will be showered in grace.