Love Poem: My Own Personal Husband

My Own Personal Husband

With You My love this world is colorful Place:Poem.

Peace is its own reward.
Peace is always beautiful.
Peace is liberty in tranquility.
With you, O My beloved,
This World is a colorful Place.
You are the crazy night,
and I am the yellow star.
It's a divine mercy,
that I have met with you.
After Madly falling in love with you.
I have learned the art of living in this beautiful world.
With you, O My beloved,
This World is colorful Place,
I’ll be yours for lifetime.
if you just give me only one single gesture for real marriage.
Wherever, in whichever street I go,
I stumble upon your fragrance,
you are the dream that i see in every night.
our meeting was destined.
there is a divine light in me from your existence,
I’m a deserted sky,
and you are the moon.
Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.
With you, O My beloved,
This World is colorful Place,
Living life without you is totally meaning less for me.
I donot want to live without you.
I have left rest of other paths,
I have just come for you only.
Your name is there in my eyes,
recognize this.
Everything else comes after you,
You are the top priority for me.
This love sentence of mine have value worth a hundred normal sentences of mine.
To cut to the core of the matter.
I’ll never go away leaving you alone,you must
With you, O My beloved,
This World is colorful Place,
I am the flowing passenger or traveller like a river.
and you are a silent shore.
You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.
Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.
You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.
By Miss Aliza Kashmala Kiran.