Love Poem: My Loves Dream
Steve Harvell Avatar
Written by: Steve Harvell

My Loves Dream

I lay here and my thoughts are of this woman I dream. 
The one that holds destiny's love in her hand. 
The one my heart beats of nothing but hard thumps and blood pounding vain 
I feel my muscles tritch. 
She is all to which makes me happy. 
Her smile, her bod, the way she looks at me with them eyes. 
Enough to drive a man wildly insane. 
It is there love is as two loves one another. 
That of the peace and over whelming erge just to go crazy out one's mind. 
It's there true love exsist in my heart as I hold her near. 
Feeling that of her naked skin lye next to mine. 

That of her sensurious curves I feel as my hands run wild. 
That of the softness of her voice I hear even with eyes close she speaks no words. 
Its just the impact she has left that I know she is there. 
It was the words I love you in return I heard. 
That to which touch so deeply my soul bleeds in tears. 
It was there I knew love was as she shared her heart and passion in them 
moments of intimatecy. 

It was there I knew I had found my true love I long search for. 
That of sweet kisses and a pure touch of a womans hand. 
It was there I knew she care because them three words arent easy to say. 
But there it lays! 

I love you even through hard times with all my heart. 
Because it's you that makes me feel free as my mind wonders in amaze. 
Just that of having you struck me hard. 
That it just took little while to grasp. 
That everyday is non changing in my feelings for you. 
Because everyday I feel like I love you even more.