Love Poem: My Love Skates
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Written by: Paula Goldsmith

My Love Skates

"Fragments and crumbs of life, all the little pieces"
John Ruskin, 1853
Every Saturday I loved going skating,
all week that special day kept me waiting.
My dad would drop me off and pick me up,
always in my hand a cool water cup.
Each week I rented my skates,
it was less than pieces of eights.
One day my dad said just wait,
I did not know he would be so very great.
He came out with a skate box in hand,
he had this all well planned.
I opened the skate box up,
I felt like a new born pup.
A box filled with love,
my new skates fit like a glove.
Date Written: 8/25/2020 Note: This is a true story. I was eight years old. My dad was the best. 4 Place All The Little Pieces Contest Judged: 9/3/2020 Sponsored by: Constance La France