Love Poem: My Lonely Valentine

My Lonely Valentine

The cat was purring
And she stroked 
Its soft fur.

Another lonely Valentine’s
Day with only
The grey cat.

The green eyes
Seemed to glow
Like oblong lights.

If only she
Could attract someone
Who liked cats!

Wouldn’t that be
An indicator of 
Ordained, divine compatibility?

The dating application
On her computer
Beeped an advice.

Someone had read
Her humble profile
And moved on.

Another beep sounded
The same viewer
Had miraculously returned.

A message icon 
Appeared left screen
Blinking so mockingly.

Nervously she clicked
Reading the message
“I love cats.”

"Who are you?"
She typed and
Pressed “enter”.

This was written for a 99 word challenge, hence the change in the final line.