Love Poem: My Heart Was Broken Before It Fell
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Written by: Susan Piwang

My Heart Was Broken Before It Fell

My heart was broken
Before it fell
Before it fell into the endless pit of love
Where so many hearts
After rocking around the sides
Tumble head-first in a second
And never come out
It’s wonderful feeling of flying
Even if you’re really falling
There’s a sensation of everything 
Being all it could possibly be
And you filled with more than yourself
Or so I’ve heard.
You see, I wouldn’t know.
Before I could experience this phenomena
I fell
But not in love
And broke into pieces
And fractured that thing called trust
And crushed that thing called hope
And watched the idea of love
Tumble from my grasp
Fly out of my reach
Disappear into the unknown
Now I cannot even glance at that pit
Into which so many willingly fall
I stay far from it
And wish I could dance on its edges
But fear is a cage around my heart
And chains on my wrists
And my heart cannot heal

Sing a song for me, blissful lovers
Remember me as you do
It might be hard to live after love is lost
But it is empty to live without knowing love
As I do.