Love Poem: My Gratitude, This Day
Michael Degenhardt Avatar
Written by: Michael Degenhardt

My Gratitude, This Day

In the silence of the morning
My thoughts had turned to memories
Of a day many years before.
The beach scene was beautiful
As the waves gently kissed the shore
And the breezes carried the scent
Of your favorite perfume.
I was nervous that day
But couldn’t let you know
As the time was almost perfect.
I got through.
Then it happened;
The sun was setting,
Casting colors on the horizon
And shadows upon your face.
My heart stopped beating
When I reached into my pocket
For the box that contained my future.
I opened it before you,
Knelt, not only to ask you,
But to pray that you would accept
The invitation to share my life.
You said yes and by doing so
You changed my life.
You give love and strength.
You give hope and want.
You gave children,
Thereby giving me the ability
To love even more.
On this day,
The anniversary of our engagement,
I say, “Thank you”and
“I love you.”