Love Poem: My Fairwell Address
Grace Givens Avatar
Written by: Grace Givens

My Fairwell Address

There was this girl who had the world in her palm but she let it fall to the ground,
and said proudly forget everyone around,
as she looked in the mirror she cried, 
as she looked and watched herself die.
love was no longer the sunny warmth feeling to her, 
just a moment of joy later suppressed by the pain of the thought that for a 
moment someone could care for her, 
but they didn't so that too was a waste of time, 
she entertained the thought saying to herself that maybe that someone could be 
but it wasn't good enough, it couldn't surpass the hunger,
the love in between the storms wasn't good enough any longer,
it didn't strengthen her during the time she needed strength,
for some reason it made her weakened.
so she fell into the intertwining clouds of hurt, torture, and tears
and she stayed there over the course of many years, 
she just continued to fall,
her mouth wouldn't open so that for help she could call,
her mouth was sown shut and she entered into paralysis where she was found,
somewhere between the earth and the ground, 
between reality and peace,
between the knives and the beast, 
she was stuck in this situation of numbness,
being lost within the world's dumbness, 
and her heart dropped to the worth of a penny with a hole in it,
at least that's how she felt and that became her realness, 
that became her life,
her story her pain her strife, 
so she wrote a letter addressing it to the world, beside her coffin is where she 
had laid it, stating,
"I  didn't die from a illness or a disease, it was your hatred that killed me. My soul 
couldn't bare anymore and fell apart. I died from nothing but a broken heart". 
signed life's lost maiden......