Owam  Madolo  Avatar
Written by: Owam Madolo


There's a lot I could say about you my favorite is when I'm looking at you straight in your eyes.Every time I'm looking at your eyes I swear every thing just stops because it seems like in your eyes that's where my haven on earth is. 

How can I forget your smile that just brightens my day,even when it was one of the odd days.Your smile makes me feel things that I never felt before,I wish you can only smile for me. 

Oh another thing I like is when I hear your sweet voice.It's like I'm listening to a love song even though I can't hear its lyrics because damn your voice makes me be in my own galaxy. 

I swear if you can listen to JP Cooper singing "THE ONLY REASON" you will know how I actually feel even though these love songs can't really explain how I feel,but who I am to judge?because I can't explain it too. 

Everything can make sense with you by my side because you also make sense.I wish I can scream to the world that you are MY EVERYDAY CRUSH,but I can't because you're MY world.I love you okay??