Love Poem: My Drealocks Lover

My Drealocks Lover


Your dreadlocks flutters like streamers
Your thick dreadlocks spreads like tethers
Your eyes are like coffee mix with white lily

My lover, 
I come from a beautiful place
Where they believe dread is a taboo
Pronouncing the word Da-da is a grievous sin
Where you are told what to believe
And even hate what you believe

In between my Momma's damnation, my Poppa's bellicose, and my usual rebuttal of indifference
All began because of you.

I am told to stop loving you
I am told you are a lie
I am told you are an illusion
I am told that contemporary history books may forget my name
Because of you.

I was told that Spartan Hoplites wore a formal locks but you don't

Are all dreads dreadful?
Dreads are not dreadful,is it?

I love every strand of your dread
Marley's midnight ravers resonates my love for you
You are the worst thing that has happened to me
I blame my soul for being a courier to the wind
I won't allow religion to destroy our love

All my sins, 
All my memories, 
All my ideas, 
My love for art, 
I'll tie into your dreadlocks like a scrapbook
I'll hold all very close to my heart with a marked cowries for every event

Dreads are for legends!
Dreads are myths!
Dreads are locks to our soul.