Love Poem: My Darling I Love You So Don'T Go Away-

My Darling I Love You So Don'T Go Away-

Oh! Sweet darling don't look
Don't look away, don't look away
So my, my darling don't, don't look away
If I stand here hurt before you 
In front of your face so tenderly your lips
Blump and is red  as a juicy apple
Come here unto the here and after
And I know in your mind  your hurting
By now your love I am not deserving

My darling I love you so please don't go away

Oh! Oh! Darling turn around here don't go away
What's this attraction that we have 
What is the action that we delay
 I love you so, so oh sweet darling don't go away

Oh sweetheart don't look away 
I'm sorry for those negative things I did say
Don't walk anymore, my honey baby I love you so 
And Oh, Please come back to me
I'm down on my knees
I so, so sorry dear,  don't go away 
And this is our differences that we saw we sought survival
Yet all now is left is revival 
I  was not only broken hearted
I am crushed girl I'm so, so sorry I love you much
 so darling  please, please, please don't go don't  

My darling I love you so please don't go away.

Written words by Alton Adkins & James Edward Lee
Arranged music by Alton Adkins 1974, 2021©