Love Poem: My Chili Sauce
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Written by: Gideon Foli

My Chili Sauce

A friend once asked, “What is Love?”

And one replied Love is like an exquisite red rose flower                                                   

In a romantic, elegance, lovely shady bower

Been hooked by a gentle sexy dove


“What is Love?” he asked again

A pretty looking lady smiled and replied

Love is a magical feeling between a groom and a bride

It is the current that flows through my heart and brain


“What is Love? I want to know”

Finally, a handsome looking guy smiled and said

Love is when the heart, mind and soul are Fed

With one’s emotions and makes one’s star glow


So I asked, what is Love?

Some say Love is patience and kind

But I say Love is blind and can put you in a bind

Love I say can ignorantly give one a shove


Some say Love does not envy

Some say love does not boast

But I say Love is what others need the most

Love can actually make people go crazy


I have found out that Love is not a feeling

And that Love is trusting and caring

But Love can be a bit over bearing

And true Love when unwrapped brings divine healing


Some say “Adam and Eve created Love

Romeo and Juliet made Love

Sampson and Delilah betrayed Love

And Julius Ceaser died for Love”


The Love I found is a Love like no other

It was not the Love of Adam and Eve

Neither was it the Love of Sampson, who was deceive

Nor was it the Love between a sister and a brother


The Love I found was shed on old rugged cross

It was offered to you and me

He came into my life as a light so I can see

To sum it all up, “J-E-S-U-S is my Chili Sauce”