Love Poem: My Angel
Mary Montgomery Avatar
Written by: Mary Montgomery

My Angel

My blued -eyed angel.
Our little girl.
Whose innocence the world raped.
Stealing her laughter and hope.
Her brightness fades as her dolls to leave behind a desolated hope.
A undaunted faith  in  the healing  of  her soul .
My tears could have filled heaven’s kingdom as I despaired.
I feel as our faith has been tried and judged.
AS I watch a little’s girl trust fade away.
Whose love and compassion could have feed the world with love.
But her hurt suffocates as tide waves.
Was there ever any justice because no one cared to find the truth.
Now when she lays her head down at night she knows she is no longer safe.
No monsters in her closet just nightmares in her head.
Shadows forever chase her in the day, beckon her to feel unsafe.
I want to bestow a wish to make her always feel safe and never live in shame.
Never feel pity so the shame can't revive it’s moment.
I want a life heartfelt  with endless love and the security to feel empowered .
To never feel as she doesn’t equal  anyone because of the slithering secrets she doesn’t want 
anyone to know.
Her childhood stolen by evilness this world doesn’t want to hold.
I will to fight back this evilness with my love wrapped around her like a security blanket.
I vow to  encourage her to feel unstoppable to never not feel safe.
I promise to let her live life unchanged and still be our brilliant shining star.
 Not a victim to a evilness that wants to eat ate her.
I will be her shield and sword as she fights ever day to sometimes just breathe.
I promise she well become a woman with no past of shame as she looks in my eyes 
Just a wondrous human being.