Love Poem: Multiculturing Gifts
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Multiculturing Gifts

I wonder
wander through sacred history,
and out again

remotely far
before humanity,

When EarthTribes
were already compassionately gifted
with potential whole-sum divinity,

PanenTheistically expressed
in ecofeminist Earth's great
rapturously gifted
economic ecology
of relationships
worth having
truth of resonating beauty.

I wonder,
back before religious anthrocultures
and sexual regenerating climates
were sensory
yet meaningfully alive,
then, later,
lately LeftBrain purposely separated
into Either Or
where previously RightBrain reigned

Communicating severances
in a precisely dissociative way
away from sacred companionship,

As were sensuality
and healthy polycultures
of democratically inclusive communion

long before Earth's non-violent
verbalized communication.

I wonder
if, before Verbal Dominance
when religion
felt like communal reconnection,

Unconditionally regarding
all warm-bodied creatures here below
awoke riding on sacred Earth
below these timeless flowing clouds
accumulating land and seas
of rich communication
enveloped in resonant
musically musing companionship.

I wonder
if all EarthTribe asked,
absorbed within
among each Other,
was nonviolent hospitality
in healthy democratic return
of wealthy 
multiculturally religious
transcendently sensual
politically empowering communications
of economically enlightened
theo/eco-logical co-arising 
warm companions
celebrating co-empathic climate gifts.