Love Poem: Mommy, Daddy
Gabrielle Clemens Avatar
Written by: Gabrielle Clemens

Mommy, Daddy

Mommy, Daddy
I'm sitting,
While nothings changing
I'm sick of your games
Sick of your tests
If you really love me
You'll accept me the way I am
I know I'm not the greatest kid
But I do try
I love you
I miss you
I want to be back with you
Why can't you forgive me
I'm not going to ask you to forget...
I know that will never happen
You said you'll NEVER lose faith in me
You gave me a book, you said "I DO believe in you"
But I guess you were wrong
I'm sorry 
I could say it in a thousand different ways
But it wouldn't matter
You're too busy 
Thinking of all the pain I've caused you

Mommy, Daddy
Can't you forgive me?
The past is the past
Its been delt with
I know it hurts
I just want to be your little girl again
I want to feel loved, not just told
I love you
I miss you
I want to be back with you
Why can't you forgive me?
I've changed, so much
I'm not the person I was 5 years ago
I know my words can be cold
I know I lie
And when I do tell you the honest truth
You use it against me
You stab me in the back
I'm hurt
Can you make the pain go away?

Mommy, Daddy
I love you
I miss you
Why can't we start over?