Love Poem: Mommie's Princess
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Written by: Sierra Price

Mommie's Princess

I try to fight the tears as I see pictures of you as a little girl. Mommie messed up and it hurts 
so bad. I love you with my heart and soul. My heart aches to have you and hold you in my 
arms once again. As I see little girls walk around that are about your age, I feel as if my 
heart is being ripped out and torn apart. I was stupid for letting you go even though you 
have a good family. Mommie is all you need. Baby girl I would care for you any way that you 
needed. You are mommie's little princess and I am so sorry that I messed up. You will 
always be my little princess, and your auntie's pumpkin doodle forever and for always. 
Mommie loves you princess. I pray to God that you are well taken care of and protected. 