Love Poem: Mentoring Truth
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Mentoring Truth

Like Fall…

the lingering of laughter in the air,
like a silent prayer,
painting the moments, so rare
with joy and hope to share,
stirring love, thus – beware…

graceful as the ghost of a sunrise,
on dawn, with clear, blue skies,
there is a beautiful I’ll advise –
reflecting the spirit, so very wise,
erasing the darkness with all its lies…

gentling the spirit, stirring the soul,
promising a fate we can’t control,
this is God’s will and He’ll console,
comforting all the hearts He has stole,
as we hasten quietly, on a stardust stroll…

the whispering night sings me to sleep,
from the moon, I’ll not hear a peep,
fireflies glittering, glowing as they sweep –
over the heavens, reflections to keep,
shining so hopeful, making the stars weep…

glued to the joy that wanders about,
erasing the dark with it’s glorious shout,
reminding the spirit to go all out,
when praising the Father, there isn’t a doubt,
psalms and praises breathe – we’re not without…

grateful for the Holy Spirit, who
abides inside, sticking like glue –
to my heart, where I will need Him, too,
because without this Jesus, the jew,
I am lost – without a clue…

waiting to meet me when I leave this earth,
since the moment of the Savior’s birth,
God’s people have been blessed by the re-birth,
which guarantees heaven to those who unearth – 
the meaning of life, knowing what He is worth!

listen to the silence – touch the wind,
remember God is healing every friend,
muzzling the darkness with His love to remind,
everywhere we go, His love overflows, so kind,
like the beauty come to life – a beauty designed…

to kiss away the past and give love that will last
if you’re ever asked…
the test of my faith, I passed
because I believed in the One who is steadfast,
the light of the world, the One I forecast…

as eternity, always and forever –
where there is nothing whatsoever….

to stop the joy that will come to those,
who will live forever with the One who arose!
Jesus is my life – He always knows –
just what I am… we’re so close,
only love could have shown me and I chose…

life eternal – always with the One I adore,
this is a beautiful promise I can’t ignore,
He is the light of my life, the One I call for…
whenever I need a generous mentor,
One I can believe in forevermore!