Love Poem: Menage a Trois
Arthur Vaso Avatar
Written by: Arthur Vaso

Menage a Trois

Message in a bottle

When you having nothing to live for
You have nothing to die for
Often you end up on the floor
In a pool of your own destruction
When you see the flowers in full bloom
You think of graves
When you see the sun shine
You think of hells fire within
When the nighttime comes round
You are thankful for the gin
The tonic of life is killing you
Toxic dreams wake you to horrid illusions
You wonder, who I
Or better off dead?

Message in a bottle

I have loved
I have loved you
All my words bottled up
Inside of my fears
I grasp not the light of day
I grasp at straws
Gasping a breath above the waterline
Dreaming that one day you will hold my hand
I know this shall never come to pass
Your fears rival mine
Twins across the ocean of vast emptiness
I shall write to you my deepest desires
I shall profess to you my deepest love
Unrequited devotion of the heart
My soul shall sing and dance in your honor
All this a scribe shall write
For I am not one versed in letters
I small icon painted of your beauty
I will enclose with my broken heart
All of this
Inside a bottle
One day it shall reach your shores
Your grandchildren will be filled in melancholy
At a great love, lost and discarded over the ages