Love Poem: Melonic Atonality
Allan Terry Avatar
Written by: Allan Terry

Melonic Atonality

Boeuf en Croute, one would be impressed from
just the consideration of being thought of. I looked
to her smile as she spoke the words: I knew then
 she was more than serious about this night being
 special. more than a night :an evening to impress 
and showcase my talents and skills. Maybe than
my lover would consider me as someone to be married 
to. I heard her speak from the next room< that moment
 I knew what was expected of me. I lefted and simply went
 to buy the ring.Not just any ring this one must impress. 
I bought something beautiful and something worth bragging
 about. I needed more money: I asked my Pa: I told him
 what was on the menu and he just grabbed his jacket
 and told me to come on. I owed more for this then I owed on
my dune buggy: guess I have to give it up. I offered a friend
of mine then opportunity to impress his fiance by offering him
and his quartet a chance to perform
 " Plus Que Les Mots Ne Peuvent Dire" by Sweet Motivation. He told
me he had never heard of it: but would look to find it. I told him
being a novice might it be under,Melonic Atonality
 specific to chords and notions? He smiled and said so you want me
to take a tune and write lyrics to overlap? Yes! Inspiration? 
Yes, he answered! What a night for those who are in love! Exactly my friend: exactly!