Love Poem: Meeting Half Way
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Written by: Jasmine Cruz

Meeting Half Way


Your message came through to me
It said please meet me half way
Its just what you have dreamed of
I have found us a place to stay

It's a snug cozy country cottage
So serene in the morning mist
The more I read the message
I now knew I could not resist

Nothing more now need be said
Message all read , I had to depart
You have captured my sweetest dream
You're like a magnet within my heart

There you held roses at the gate
Then you poured the sweetest wine
Fulfilling promises we had made
As your body enfolded mine

Roses scattered in pink and red
On the bed you lay next to me
Yearnings and dreams we have had
Now our passions were flowing free

Morning awakened in your arms
We glanced the first light of day
Thanked you for fulfilling my dreams
We must meet more often half way

(c) Jasmine Paul 11-20-2014