Love Poem: Maze


Oh my Heart, why do you seek
the ecstasy of Eden's garden
when love is a daunting puzzle.
Woe is you, you fool;
for you dare to travail
through its sinuous paths
filled with deception and treachery 
... ruled by a sweet-talking, sensuous
serpent, sinfully seductive 
with his cajoling, forked tongue,
promising every heavenly delight.

Greedily gulping wine-filled songs, 
frenetically feeding on empty poetry,
you’re blindfolded and lost 
on a dead-end street, 
bumping against a wall
of steel gray misery,
imprisoning your soul and 
turning your hopes and dreams
into doubt, desperation, and despair.
Oh my Heart, you’re trapped,
suspended in a twisting maze...
of unrequited, lethal love.

Contest:     Maze - 10 Word Challenge Poetry Contest
Sponsor:    Dear Heart
Date:         06-23-2020
Placement:  4th