Love Poem: Mayday Mayday
Michael Poyntz Avatar
Written by: Michael Poyntz

Mayday Mayday

I feel like a hostage
on the centreline
of my life
 held captive on my own island
surrounded by shifting emotions
strangers come
and lovers go
is there a difference
how would I know
love breezes in
too close for comfort

Flashes of love frozen 
on the stop signs
of my life
turn here turn there
go faster…slow down
the sound of a lover’s siren
can you hear it
coming this way
is it the truth
or perhaps a lie
a choice to make

Raindrops fall down
like cornflakes from the sky
feeding first a deep hunger
delicious to the touch
suddenly ice cold 
feeling frozen to the bone
no reason no rhyme
emotions betraying emotions
are all promises made
to simply cast away 
to go or to  stay