Love Poem: May God's Will Bless His Servant
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Written by: Brian Johnston

May God's Will Bless His Servant

May God keep you from harm as He honors His servant,
His blessing, your foot's path, by day and by night,
And His vision, your wisdom, when good wishes haven't
Been much more than Band-Aid to augment your flight.

May the earth greet your sandals and give you firm purchase,
A breeze at your back keep you cool and refreshed,
And your God-fearing friends be a part of the righteous
Whole Armor of God with which you have now meshed!

All your comings and goings by angels attended,
Your blessings, too, prosper (as sown by God’s hand),
May the twilight of life find your virtue extended,
Your love which envelopes all earth’s extant land.

Brian Johnston
April 1, 2018

Poet's Notes:
A "Plane" poem written on Easter Sunday during my flight home from a reunion with other Peace Corps Volunteers I served with in "Tanganyika Five" from 1964 to 1966 in what is now Tanzania, East Africa.