Love Poem: Mary, Mary Mother Of Humanity
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Written by: Andrew Crisci

Mary, Mary Mother Of Humanity

Mary, Mary mother of Humanity
we kneel before you singing praises
as angels stare at your image
of holiness, even they proclaim your grace;
and more than each star in this universe:
they are truly joyful and long for serenity!

Mary, Mary mother of Humanity,
you fill empty hearts with hope;
there's nobody feeling unloved:
everyone is praying fervently...
asking for consolation and mercy.
Their hymns help them cope 
and rise above misery and unrest...
whenever they are afflicted 
with sorrow in their chest!

Mary, Mary mother of Humanity
with eyes very tender and merciful,
keep us in your fond embrace:
be that lighthouse illuminating
the Human Race reaching out farther,
not knowing how certain is peace!

Mary, Mary mother of Humanity
reign on your throne of splendor,
guard us against Satan's rageful jealousy,
empower us with humility and obedience,
thrill is with spiritual and perpetual joy;
we will not find anywhere a holier mother,
a kinder mother who understands our pain!