Love Poem: Marching Egowinds of Time
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Marching Egowinds of Time

Note to PostMillennial God of Time:

Your human race exhausts ourselves
and our home
and our extended DNA/RNA family
and our soul-soil
and our blood-water flow of ecotherapeutic life
and our healthy integrative atmosphere.

What was Anger and FearFilled Memory of Heaven
has fallen upon Earth
a venial parasite
with rapacious competitive intent
to absorb the very last drop of hope
out of PreMillennial economic-industrial development
and politically faithless degenerate futures
for PostMillennial divestment
of your sacred cooperative-regenerate Wisdom vestments.

But, your continuously divine intent and practice,
your eco-vocation
to love each moment
born of past
just a bit more elationally,
than we would without its baggaged past
and yet just a bit less
than its co-arising intent
toward regenerate Heaven on nondual healthy Earth,
Tribes advocating for PostMillennial cooperating networks 
more than competing root systems,
global gods and goddesses
of bicameral eco-empathic loving CoPresent Time.

Why does such ecological healthy inclusive love
exhaust your sacred Time's greatest lovers?
How could such profound integrity
so profoundly isolate
within co-arising and coincidental polypathy,
enculturing voices and divine integrity's designs?

Information eco-functions in-empathic-telligence
blending bicameral positive evolution of love toward peace,
by struggling and suffering with dualdark angry PreMillennial,
painful birth,
and fear of post-climatic Millennialism,
static ego/anthro/encultured death.

PostMillennial Gods and Goddesses of Time's incarnate body
exhaustively repurpose PreMillennial Tribes of DNA/RNA double-binding EcoMind,
surfing bilaterally primal power of discontinuous enclosing prisons,
closed-set metasystems,
yet wildly suffering flows elational,
positive-midway double-negative in revolutionary scientific retrospect,
evolution branching spaciating time's eco-birth
through and of and in and by and for each moment
of Ego's co-messianic post-millennial death
of fear of Time's co-gravitating absence.

Completely purgative,
your universal smooth-structured metaphysique of lovely synergy,
primal relationship of understoried creation,
between as within each pre- with post-Earth enthymeme,
health loving,
integral intuition
of dipolar dialectic diastatic vocation,
rolling toward hope for cooperating lives
yet terrified to let go
of Ego's discontinuous
decomposing lively deaths
of co-incarnate Memory,
EcoNorms of God Love,
democratically ubiquitous, 
global co-arising equity of faith, 
yet solely present-tense accessible, 
EcoPresent Diastolic 
Longing/Belonging TaoTime.