Love Poem: Mama I Love You--

Mama I Love You--

Mama if you don't know by now; I love you; I never even said out loud I love you; When you were alive You loved me, done all that you could do For me; I never ever said out loud; I was a quiet timid child; Wasn't no excuse though, to tell you so...(that I mama) Love you You've spank me with a belt and switch; Just like tag I"M IT; Cried a little, but I'm alright; Spare the rod spoil the child; Don't know if you can hear me from heaven; I should have told you this when you were alive then; Mama if you don't know by now; I love you; I never even said out loud I love you; When you were alive You loved me, done all that you could do For me; I never ever said out loud; I was a quiet timid child; Wasn't no excuse though, to tell you so...(that I mama) Love you, mama I Mama I Mama I love you;
6/15/19 written by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019