Love Poem: Make Her Mine Real Life Soulmate

Make Her Mine Real Life Soulmate

Make Her Mine Real life Soulmate :(Poem)
On every page of my book of fate,
During my life, after my death,
In all my future, in all my moments,
Please write her name to be mine.
In all stories and fables,
in the true relations of the heart's world,
In Every part of my life,
Please write her name to be mine.
O God, Make her mine real life soulmate.

I'm hers, I'm in her (heart), I'm from her (my existence is due to her)
Please let me remain hers only.
I'm thirsty, she's river, she is the path of my life.
Give me a home, a street and a city, in her name only.
I'll walk and stop for her only.
Give me a loving heart but only with her love in it.
My house will echo only with her laughter.
O God, Make her mine real life soulmate.
You may half my laughter and happiness.
You may take my life but God, 
Promise me that,
On her tears, her sorrows, her pain, on every wounds of her.
Only my right remains there, always, for the rest of my whole life.
Now only this should happen, she should live with me as my true soulmate.
She should never be separated, not even for the just the sake of saying..
O God, Make her mine real life soulmate. 

On every page of my book of  fate,
During my life, after my death,
In all my future, in all my moments,
Please write her name  to  be mine.
O God, Make her mine real life soulmate.

By Miss Aliza Kashmala Kiran