Love Poem: Lyrical Journey of a Lover through Taiwan-II
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Written by: Litan Dey

Lyrical Journey of a Lover through Taiwan-II

When you spread your arms wide with a smile so bright, 
No words are needed, our souls are in flight. 
Let's watch as the birds soar over Green Island's charm, 
Flying carefree through nature's loving arms. 
Who knows, we may even catch sight from afar, 
Of the brave souls who found refuge there, like a guiding star.

When the scorching southern sun leaves you thirsty and drained,
I will become Keelung's cooling, reviving misty rain,
Showering you with a refreshing, gentle downpour,
Perhaps stealing a slow, passionate dance under Jiufen Falls once more.

If you are the rich weaver of our passionate tales,
I will be the lasting book that carefully chronicles its details,
Lovingly stitching every memory, to cherish and unveil,
Our epic tale is etched, a bond that can never fail.
