Love Poem: Lull Sweeter Dreams To Me
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Written by: Simon Cartlidge

Lull Sweeter Dreams To Me

Each night,
As sleep eludes me,
I lie
With my feet tangled in sheets
That should be tangled around yours,
And the silence
That deafens 
With the lack of your sleeping breath. 

As the minutes and hours crawl,
I pray silently
For those 3 words 
That will break this spell. 
To ease me down
Into the oblivion of blissful rest. 

To hear them from your lips
Or fingertips,
Just 3 words, I don't mind which,
'I love you'
Or, 'I miss you.'
Spoken as you used to,
Would be the greatest draught upon my soul. 

I will not rush,
Only wait patiently and pray,
That soon these words 
Will spill from you again. 
After all, the dread
That truly keeps sleep away;
Did I lose you while I wasn't looking?

But for now,
While I lie awake
And count away the hours,
I keep my constant mantric prayer,
And longed for haunting dream,
That soon, as planned, these sheets
Will tangle around your feet,
As the rhythm of your breath
Lulls sweeter dreams to me.