Love Poem: Loving the Coward
Carla-Dale Neptune Avatar
Written by: Carla-Dale Neptune

Loving the Coward

Loving The Coward

It hurt so bad, loving the Coward
The one afraid to give their heart,
The one afraid to say what and how they feel,
The one afraid to just deal.

Once a coward always the coward.
The heart still yearns for what you had,
Since so much was good, but those feelings
of lack of fulfilment, more that 16 years later
its' idiocratic and mostly tragic that
even though I reason with my logical self,
that she must seek to forget the coward,
But still maybe its my inner coward that is the issue,

To coward to move on, fearful of the fresh start
Coward of loosing what surely by now 
has demonstrated it was only a figment of the imagination.
that was the nexus of the whole situation.