Love Poem: Love's Waiting Fire
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Love's Waiting Fire

"The nature of the Authentic [Love] Self is always already spiritually [naturally] motivated, turned on, tuned in, ready to respond to the radical [co-arising] immediacy of now [as LovePresent]. It [love] experiences no fear, no doubt, no hesitation, no procrastination. Your Authentic [EcoLove] Self is always already [elational] inspired and [inductively] spiritually on [full-flow potential empowered integration--diastatic] fire. This is a new manifestation and expression of enlightened awareness." Andrew Cohen, "Evolutionary Enlightenment" (2011)

Awareness of Internal Landscape
as polypathic integrity,
eternally regenerating flame 
of love as light,


Awareness of External Landscape
as polycultural PresentYang 
CoPresence YinYin,
Earth Goddess of Time
as Tao--EcoSacredSelf
born and yet-borne 
within BiLateral-CoGravitational-Other.

When I cannot recognize kindness as love
within nature,
human or otherwise,
then I cannot experience Love's ReGenerative Time
for human and OtherWise
nondually birthing Earth's CoPresent Time.

I cannot recognize kindness in nature
until I remember this generosity of Ego's incarnate birth,
adventuring through this lifetime,
learning love's flame
from which I came
and within which we each return
to smolder diastatically
atmospherically Earth-bound
regenerative recycling ecosystemic process 
of light's fine-timed fire. 

Love squeezes through anger-cracks and fear-fissures,
leaking kindness and generosity,
gratitude for residency
within this regenerative string
of time from past timelessness
and heading right back into that same positive elational eternity
at threshold of incarnation's demise,
to re-member our already Present-CoPresence of Love
as ProGenitor Eros
as regenetically temporal
bilaterally diastatic Agape
YangUniverse Positive ConVexForm-Event
dipolar implied within
YinIntegrative (-,-) ConCave CoGravitational Flow Function,
counter-timeflow revolutionary power-potential
decompositional polypathic integrity.

All else is anger and fear, combined into
Ego's Negative BiPolar Teachers,
negative Yang guardians 
BusinessAsUsual dominating
YinYin Cognitive-Affective-Temporal
autistic dissonance
between LeftDeductive External Landscape
eco-normative information
and RightInductive Internal Landscape
ecological co-gravitational systemic function
double-binding reverse temporal-neural
aptic/synaptic function and trend flow,
so chronically precessive--
expanding toward future's monocultural overpopulation--
or recessive--
shrinking away from bilateral decay of (-) past anger
and (-) future fear.

We are each
Kindness Outlyers and UnKind Predators,
co-messiahs and EgoCentric Publicans,
but it tremendously helps
when our UnKind Predators
are named and well-governed
AngerPast twinning FutureFear,
rather than always ranting and dominating Present,
noticing Love Present with PeaceCoPresence,
both aptic and synaptic-elational neural, positive,
rather than continuing to dominate our personal,
and political, external conversations
and discernment,
our dialectical logos lives of potentially integrative love;
two bicameral voices of LovePeace reasons as positive seasons,
those decomposing moments and events and mindfulness
of listening/noticing and teaching/learning heads
working bicamerally together.

I am continuously reborn
of Earth's atmospheric nutrients 
of time,
perfectly formed to my mindbody,
filling my nose and our noses and lungs
while caressing our exposed skins and hair and feathers,
and eyes and ears,
our TransParent CoPresence,
within as without,
Yang and YinYin Universal atmospheric bicameral time,
prefolding future regenerations
of memory
as EarthTime's CoPresent Loving Kindness.

Earth's Hearts
anticipate Left's deductive-reductive Diamonds,
as ballistically violent Clubs
precessively predict
dipolar balance
with fractal-ballasted Spades
digging up ever more nondual co-arising fuel
feeding Hearts with full-fired Diamonds.