Love Poem: Love's Lofty Height

Love's Lofty Height

Love's Lofty Height
Ingrid Showalter Swift

A lofty height 
A soft kiss
sweet butter lips 
and the scruff
O lament at the wall of tears with me ... 
Take not the hand of sweet liberty
O my sweet earnest soul…be still and vacuous as the sea as it glows 
……… takes no hostage with intent

Be glad as the bee as it goes 
Pollen is its heart’s content
Be wild as the leaves on the trees ripping and dipping 
 flying and soaring and beneath it all 
as snow coated ice field ….be still my beloved love
Know the peace of grass 
of the stone on the side of a hill
feel the movement in the feathers of a hawk as they flicker through the dive of air
Be as the cloud sees the world up and down and in and out it goes and asks not for understanding of all it sees
Be as the crumpled piece of paper with words that might have changed the world 
a ball sitting at the bottom of the ash can with the chewed gum that does not argue that it be taken 
Be as the birth of a fawn in the wilderness asking nothing but to stand for the first time and quiver a new
Be new in you …my beloved 
because you 
having given birth to us... have set me free