Love Poem: Love's Foundation
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Love's Foundation

1 John 4:18 (KJV) “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” I’d been thinking I could lose him, The man who holds my heart… The love who feels like a blessing, Sent from the One who knows my deepest thoughts… All the reasons I have for doing or saying anything, The One who remembers me when I weep, The One who keeps me from feeling so lost and weak, The One who saved me from the fears that often seek… To destroy my dreams, my hopes, my belief, The fears that seek to bring my heart so much grief. I’d been thinking I could lose him, The man who has been the best of the best, The man who taught me that love accepts, The man who holds my hand through the tests, The man who leaves me feeling less stress, The man who is like a part of me, The man who is so special and so much better… Than my words can possibly express… I’d been thinking I could lose him, And the fear brought such distress… But then, he saw right through me, And encouraged me with his tenderness. He knew me like I know myself, And he gave me the affection, the love, That assured me he would always be there. He would always care and share a part of himself, He would spend his life with me and only me, Offering me the kindness that only love can bestow, The kindness that – with time… grows and grows, Assuring the heart that there is love that simply knows… It just knows… I’d been thinking I could lose him, But he is refusing to let go… And I’m thankful to the God who chose me, To be his wife through this life, To be his friend until the end, To be in his life… always his fan, Always the one who he will defend, Always the one who knows, with God beside us… Actually living inside us… There will never be a reason to fear, Because even though I was thinking I could lose him, God reminded me that I didn’t choose him… God chose him for me and me for him And with that realization, I know our love Has the very best foundation!