Love Poem: Love's Expounded Complexities
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Written by: Nellene Mae Cornel

Love's Expounded Complexities

Love is a noun
				in the need of finding it,
				once found, a verb.

				Love is a beast
				so wild
				haunting on its prey.

				Love is a drug
				leading to addiction.
				Love is a novel
				starting at prologue,
				chapters follows and
				epilogue as closure.

				Love is the sunrise
				born and dies at setting		
				to await rebirth.

				Love is a catastrophe
				leaving an aftermath
				of destruction.

				Love is a disguise
				of melancholic grief.

				Love is an illness
				that is inevitable
				to weaken one’s resistance.

				Love is a danger
				when the warning sign
				is left unposted.

				Love is a season
				coming then going
				in alternates.

				Love is a word