Love Poem: Loves Doubling Helix
Winged Warrior Avatar
Written by: Winged Warrior

Loves Doubling Helix

   Storms seductive desiring of dreams   
   Forms favoring moonlight of beams
    Craving hearts upon starlit nights
    Waving wands of unicorned flights
  Light shimmering with eyes glowing
 Bright crystals amongst rivers flowing
 Mountains lying with floras displaying
Fountains spewing near flowers swaying
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  Strands interlocking like arming lovers
  Hands caressing under warming covers
   Double helix of love pursuing pleasure
     Bubbles bursting kisses of treasure

  Nocturnal nuptials amidst drinking wine
    Eternal love within endless sunshine
  Desires spiraling before flames creating 
    Fires brewing love forever pulsating.

This '360 Double Helix Reversible' which can be read backward and in reverse, is dedicated to all the beautiful and talented Poetesses of the Soup Bowl...

Sorry gentlemen, ladies first...
I thank you, my poetic sisters, from the bottom of my DNA lol:

...Heidi Sands, Maria Williams, Agnes Krampe, Andrea Dietrich, Maureen McGreavy, Line Gauthier, Sunshine Smile(Anne-Lise), Rhoda Tripp, Jan Allison, Susan Ashley, Brenda Chiri, Akkina Downing, Jo Daniel, Eve Roper, Susan Gentry, Brandy Nicole, Sandra Haight, Nette Onclaud, Catie Lindsey, Connie Marcum Wong, Leanne Love-Joy Burton, Cay Cay Jennings, Laura Loo, Alexis Y, Carol Connel, Pantida Sanchez, Dear Heart, Besma Riabi Dziri, Kim Rodrigues, Anna Hopper, Carole Duet, Laura Leiser, Casarah Nance, Lisa Ricci, Becca Teagan, Carolyn Devonshire, Caren Krutsinger, Lin Lane, Tania Kitchin, Robertina B., Janice Canerdy, Michele Faulkner, Sara Kendrick, M.L. Kiser, Nina Parmenter, Holy Primerano, Darlene De Beaulieu, Jean Murray, Eileen Manassian, Charmaine Chircop, Judith S., Carrie Richards, Virginia Waters, Bette Bavington, Nayda Ivette Negron, Laura Breidenthal, Poet A. Destroyer...and the rest on Poetry Isle...

Please forgive me if, I...left anyone out who has supported me over the years... or misspelled your name...if I did...please soup mail me and I shall correct.

...we are all one within the light...

Sponsored by: Brian Strand 

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