Love Poem: Lover's Withdrawal
Sky Lesco Avatar
Written by: Sky Lesco

Lover's Withdrawal

I write you, my handsome one. 
I can't kiss your lips. 
I can't send you a telegram. 
I can't call out your name. 
But I can write you...again...
again and again..
until your fire leaves my blood. 
Until I dance happily without you 
burning my brain.
Trembling hand, 
spirit on fire. 
I want to run away. 
I want to run in your arms. 
I can't get rid of this lump in my throat. 
The memory of you is strong 
and like a stain on my soul. 
Cook it up...your love ....
and shoot it into my vein...
grant me that heaven in my head. 
I sweat and ache. I need a fix. 
Hit me...come on...
do it fast.
I know you miss me, 
no matter how much you deny me. 
I know that you cry inside for me, 
and you're torn 
in your little compartmental heart. 
Please...hold me. 
You don't have to be my one and only. 
You don't have to settle....
but just hold me 
one last night...