Love Poem: Lover
Tina Marsh Avatar
Written by: Tina Marsh


A soft slow breeze blows on my face and wakes
mind and taps cheeks through flow kiss moves it takes.
No sound can be heard, but it is right there.
Felt by cool skin touch, and smooth lift of hair.

No noise heard, and then a rage of air blasts.
Clothes fly off, blooms sway as it stops and casts
all tree leaves down to fall cold on the ground.
What does this show mean, and why such loud sound?

It stops--now a nose flick, soft brush to lips.
Air trail moves down to warm each ten toe tips.
A sigh sound bursts, slides and seems to touch heart
with this true sign meant for me…from the start.

This breeze did blow forth so sure all the while,
so it could bring forth joy seen in a smile.

September 28, 2019
Because It's A Tuesday 140 - 140 Sonnet Cash Prize Poetry Contest
William Kekaula