Love Poem: Love Tinted Glasses
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Written by: Cameron Hume

Love Tinted Glasses

They don’t know her
Another one to tally up in their minds
She goes with them and leaves them, yet I remain here
Always there for her
It’s not jealousy that plagues my mind, it’s just heartache
So I sit, I mull, I seethe, I rot
Everyday I find it harder
She says I’m a brother to her
Where does this leave me?
A lovesick confused fool
A neuron in the back of my mind wishes I’d never met her
But my soul tells me she is my everything, the reason I draw breath
How she acts dictates me day
Every hug, every kiss, every time she says I love you my heart soars to the heavens
Every argument, every dismissal, everyday without her sends my heart sinking into the abyss
I’ve never been closer to anybody in my whole life, yet so far away
Lust? Infatuation? Obsession?
It is none of these things, simply put