Love Poem: Love Requires Sacrifice

Love Requires Sacrifice

Would you rather me lie? Not tell you the truth?,
Tell me,,,,is that really loving you?,
If I keep these things from you I would be lying to you,
How much could I love you if I just ignored the truth?,
Should I play along, not care enough to say?,
I'm sorry to say love doesn't work that way,,,,,
Would you like me to pretend? Because that would be easy,
Is that what you want? Because you wouldn't still be here with me,
Love always requires sacrifice, it's not always pretty to see,
I would want you to do the same thing for me,
Don't humor me when you see me screwing up,
If I get bent out of shape, I'll get over it soon enough,
But in your honesty to tell the truth,
Proves time and time again how much I love you,
That small moment of hurt opens my eyes,
I would never give up on our love because you've helped me realize,
I love you always.....