Love Poem: Love Remade
Bernard Chan Avatar
Written by: Bernard Chan

Love Remade

Your body holds remnants of my desire,
Like earth hides fossils of an extinct fire.

Your crinkled skin is a murmur of runes,
Marking a love-laced chamber now in ruins. 

‘Tween hair and nape no sweet fragrances nest,
Nor butterflies your forlorn thighs caress. 

But your wilting face doth mirror my own, 
Whence yearning’s torrid gaze has duly flown.    

Shall we lie down in lovers’ early grave, 
Meekly forget all that we used to crave? 

No! Let the days savage these weary husks, 
Yet not blaspheme those eros-colored dusks. 

Into your fallow flesh I shall burrow, 
And my wizened hands kiss every hollow. 

Your loins remember the siege of my lips, 
Tattoos of rapture still hug waning hips.   

Embers of departed lust l shall find, 
Under your timid breasts like diamonds’ shine.    

So let me limp into your carnal light, 
Steal back our youth from the onset of night.