Love Poem: Love Prayer
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Love Prayer

Show me intimately passionate ways
to incarnate political and economic cooperative co-investment
potentiality, regenerative integrity,
show me our climatic ecological outcomes
uniting polycultural polypathic polymorphic paradigms
of Time’s evolving light-love TransPresent
absorbing absent dualdark anger-AnthroFear 
of terror’s eco-gravitating passage
through eternal ecoconscious light
of diastolic freedom-cooperative
as yang-yin co-arising 
Endo/EctoSymbiotic Bliss.

Ectosymbiotic positive/negative-immune relations
spark endosymbiotic revolutions
of warm light
and cold double-bound dark thoughts,
reiteratively trapped in eisegetically echoing absent silent stasis
of timeless bicameral mindbody exegetical ecosystems
light and dark nutrient-rich appositional life 
on and within Earth’s Exterior Landscape,
flowing absorbing time consumption and production
of regenerative flowers and seeds
for me to replant and rediscover,
remember my 
EarthTribe Elders.

As Quakers follow radiant light,
Laotse and UUA  add,
through our universally co-arising dualdark unitarian equivalence,
DNA as YangYin embryonic birth through regenerate rebirth
of eco-cooperative Zen (0)-investment
and further enlightenment reiterative future 
LightTimes of ReGenesis.

Who am I?
in Ego’s deductive dark winter of decomposing fallen seeds
and leaves and root systems,
regenerative healthy compost
composing Prime Ecological Generosity of Relationship
Father Sun and Mother Earth

Who am I?
springing healthy consumer of light’s optimal nutrition
and dark’s wet nights of nourishment
for diastolic/systolic beating/surfing mindbody dreams

Who are we?
in diastatic summer’s full regeneration
of bright and fertile light,
heating absorbing flows 
of water’s eco-messianic baptismal promise,
waking to rainbows of morning manna dew of paradise

Who are we?
cooperatively producing fallen winnowed harvests,
branching flowing flying scattered embryonic seeds
of time’s nutritious integrity,
advent of 4 Prime Spiral Seasons
of light’s enlightening ecobalancing growth,
dualdark root thermodynamic heart-flow systems
fueling Earth’s hydropowered rivers
of timedrenched polycultural becoming 
light-tempered syntax,
speaking through embryonic womb-dialectic 
rich nutritiously healthy ways,
AnthroVitality nesting within 
EarthTribe’s Solidarity Network

Who are we?
Earth-time’s rich-languaged polypathic becoming,
light of faith in God as NOW and US in Earth’s co-arising love,
permacultural revolutionary holonic designs
enfolding evolution’s nutrient language-light 
of Primal EcoSystemic Relationship,
YangLeftWest escorting YinRightEast.

May we continue
learning cooperative endosymbiotic nature is our love-work, 
CoOperative Vocation,
our mission and goal,
by relearning competitive ectosymbiotic nature of being,
flowing our WinLose bicameral ecoconscious BiCameral Games
to decompose cooperative LeftRight co-relations toward 
WinWin ReGenerativity.