Love Poem: Love Poem Number One
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Written by: Viv Wigley

Love Poem Number One

(With apologies to William Shakespeare)

 Shall I compare thee to a box of frogs
 for inasmuch you seem to be as mad,
 you've really let your looks go to the dogs
 your face would look quite good worn by your Dad.
 Your armpit hair blossoms forth like a hedge,
 a thicket bursting out atop your vest,
 from deep within each summer, sparrows fledge,
 your muffin tops a fine home for their nests.
 At parties you can lighten up a room
 if only from the window you would shift,
 you stand, hitch hiking as the traffic zooms
 hoping someone will give your chins a lift.
 For beauty is skin deep I have no doubt,
 in which case I'm afraid you're inside out.

 (Love poem #2 to follow)