Love Poem: Love Not Yet Lost
Krish Radhakrishna Avatar
Written by: Krish Radhakrishna

Love Not Yet Lost

she left her rose in my book,
and her lipstick kiss on the next page,
i saw her briefly in the crowd,
but then our eyes did not engage.

she left her floral pins in my room,
and her delicate scent like perfume,
my shower was wet from water on her,
she must have been here, I assume!

She left her shoes outside my door,
and her hat hanging on the coat peg,
the cushioned chair had a memory of her,
my  carpet freshened with her bare legs!

She left a smile in my dreams last night,
and her thoughts smeared all over me, 
when at morning breakfast made my toast,
It read on the toast “ I love you’!

I left all I had for a life with her,
and still search for her in the crowd,
I hope to find her one day at home,
I know that day she will make me proud!

Written 21/09/23