Love Poem: Love Me With Your Eyes
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Written by: Sean Claudine

Love Me With Your Eyes

my heart withers within me

swamped by my fancies for thee

longing to hold thee as mine in a caressing embrace,

long awaiting from thee a telling smile.

maybe from it i shall gather courage to give free reign

to my tongue to sing the urges of the heart.

each day a part of me fall and withers

and light from mine eyes fade,

at night rest eludes me,

though my eyes fall heavy with sleep

in my mind dwells a constant strife,

the fracas i meet at the fading of the light

thoughts of you caressed by another.....

lives to haunt my dreams and i shan't find a peace of mind.

my love for thee blosoms,

mushrooming in my mind,

my heart and soul 'till all i think of is ye

with neither little hopes of telling thee my urgies

nor do i seek redemption by purging my fancies

Lest what i hoped will ensnare thy heart,

only  frightens thee and grant me only heartache

and yet another day passes and my heart withers from the pain in desolation

nobody knows what gnaws me within

nor shall any ever learn the source of my agony

i hope to learn to curb my urges and cloak them with friendliness

but shall i trust myself to one day watch you walk way from me,

embracing another whispering to another, caressed and loved before my famished soul

your fading scent lingering still, to cut through my heart and remind me of my fading sanity

that alas ye! was surely not a dream my mind forged,

but a beauty i beheld and let slip through the cowering heart

that strained to curb what was a gift of the heart with hopes to ensnare a free spirit

this consuming passion shan't deminish, it enspires within me soul abandonment

how can i hope to walk away, when you weave for me this sensual leash

my heart is ensnared, my passion curbed, my tongue tied

all wrapped in together as a gift to my heart mate.....